
For many people, body care means staying fit. As such, if you work hard to make healthy food choices and exercise, you might become frustrated when you have difficulty losing weight in certain areas. For many women, this is often a problem in the thighs. Understanding why this occurs is the key to altering your routine to achieve the desired results, so consult the guide below. 

3 Reasons for Stubborn Thigh Fat

1. Genetics

Many women associate thin legs with thigh gaps. However, this is often dictated by your natural bone structure. The closer together your hip bones are set, the less likely it is that you will have space between the thighs.

Similarly, there isn’t much you can do to naturally remove cellulite. These pockets of fat are the result of the thickness of your skin. While you can decrease the overall size of your thighs through diet and exercise, altering the appearance of cellulite may require cosmetic intervention, such as liposuction or CoolSculpting®.

2. Low-Protein Diet

When it comes to body care, having a protein-rich diet is crucial—especially if you’re trying to trim down your thighs. This nutrient directly impacts your body’s ability to create and store muscle, and when you don’t get enough of it, your system will begin breaking down existing masses to obtain energy.

body careAs such, even if you’re losing weight, you’ll still maintain fat stores if you don’t eat enough protein, leading to thighs that appear soft and big. You can get healthy protein from eggs and lean meats, such as chicken breast.

3. Untargeted Exercise

Going to the gym on a regular basis is an effective way to trim down. But if you don’t do exercises that target your specific problem areas, you won’t see the results you want.

Focus on incorporating techniques that work your inner thighs, calves, and hamstrings to tone and strengthen the legs. Examples of these exercises include lunges, squats, calf raises, bridges, and hip thrusts.


If you’re frustrated with stubborn thigh fat, the professionals at Bared Monkey Laser Spa in New York City have the perfect solution. This Midtown-based practice offers Coolsculpting, which is designed to tighten and rejuvenate the appearance of your skin. It will help you shed fat from specific areas, including the thighs, chin, and arms. Visit their website to view examples of previous clients’ results, and call (212) 256-9777 to schedule a body care appointment. 
