
The beauty of home gardening is you don’t need a lot of space, expertise, or money to get started. You should be prepared to fail and to learn from your first gardening attempts. Getting the watering right and learning how the sun affects your garden plot throughout the day take time. There are a few basics garden supplies and tips you should know on your way to becoming a blue-ribbon vegetable or flower gardener.

What & Where to Grow

First, decide what you’re going to grow. Will it be vegetables and fruits, flowers, herbs, or a combination? You can take advantage of existing gardening plots on your property or create your own. Raised beds are another option. They’re easy to build and maintain, and it’s hard to overwater them because of their excellent built-in drainage system.

When to Grow

Read the directions on each seed packet for the right planting depth, distance between seeds, and instructions for thinning. Thinning is the process of removing some seedlings to allow others more room to grow. Some plants, like tomatoes, can be started inside under grow lights before spring begins. Study up on the growing season in your area for the best chance of success.

Plan for the Whole Season

garden suppliesPlant vegetables that thrive in cool weather, such as radishes and lettuces, in early spring. Summer squash and cucumbers grow all summer long, but winter vegetables, which are planted in spring, won’t bear fruit until late summer. It may be early fall before a squash or pumpkin is ripe for harvesting.

Use the Right Tools

A landscaping or garden supplies store will have all the tools you need for the job, including fertilizer, soils, and seeds. Here are a few must-have tools to buy before the season starts.

  • Hand trowels
  • Pruning shears
  • A cultivator—a three-pronged hand tool for breaking up dirt clumps
  • Weed cutter
  • Watering can 

Don’t forget to ask a friend to water your garden while you’re on vacation, and enjoy the fruits of your labor while you plan for an even better harvest next year.


When you’re ready to start a new garden or landscaping project, you may need mulch, fertilizer, stone, gravel, and seed. For all your garden supply needs, visit the professionals at Landscaper's Corner in Lexington, KY. This family-owned and -operated landscaping supplier has been serving residents of central Kentucky for over 13 years. Call them at (859) 225-9433, or visit their website to learn about what they have to offer new gardeners.
