
The holidays are for celebration with food, family, and fun. Unfortunately, they’re also one of the busiest times of the year for your doctor, as illnesses like colds, flu, and respiratory infections abound in the colder weather. As you get ready for the festivities, here’s a closer look at how to avoid getting sick this holiday season.

Maintain Healthy Habits

One of the reasons it’s so easy to get sick over the holidays is because people tend to slack on maintaining their health. You begin to eat more fatty and sugary food, drink more sugary beverages, stop exercising as much, and stray from a regular sleep schedule. All of this wears on your overall health, making you more susceptible to minor illnesses.

To combat it, try not to deviate from your typical routine. Eat plenty of healthy food, limit your intake of sugary and greasy treats, and stay active by joining an indoor gym or exercising regularly at home. You should also try to maintain a solid eight hours of sleep every night.

doctorOn top of these changes, holidays can be stressful due to the pressure of buying gifts, dealing with family, and remembering lost loved ones. Excessive stress contributes to illness by releasing the corticosteroid hormone, which suppresses your immune response and leads to unhealthy coping habits like binge eating that further weaken your immune system. Without stress management techniques like meditation and yoga, you’re increasing the odds that you’ll need to visit the doctor.

Support Your Immune System

Aside from the above factors, doctors also get busier because more illnesses thrive in the cold months, and people spend more time indoors in close proximity to each other. Support and boost your immune system to protect yourself against illness. Wash your hands frequently, and avoid getting close to people who are obviously ill.

Since alcohol weakens your immune system, limit your consumption of it, and invest in quality supplements to boost your immune health, like zinc, vitamin A, and iron. Don’t take too many, as high doses can actually be counterproductive.


Are you feeling the beginning phases of an illness or having trouble getting over one? One of the compassionate doctors at Palladium Primary Care in High Point, NC, will identify the cause of your illness and prescribe antibiotics if necessary or medicines to alleviate symptoms. With experienced physicians and an in-house lab, they strive to make every visit pleasant and efficient. See what they can do for you online and call the medical clinic at (336) 841-8500 to schedule an appointment.
