
Braces are an effective way to correct crooked smiles and fix misaligned jaws. They’re an investment of both time and money so you and your child should feel prepared and confident before the appointment. Here are a few tips to help you understand the application process, after-treatment, and how to work with your child’s dentist to achieve a healthy smile for your child.

How to Prepare for Your Child Getting Braces

1. Understand Treatment Length

The more correction your child’s teeth or jaw require, the longer they may have to wear braces. A traditional treatment plan averages about two years. Mild cases may only take six months to a year, while severe cases needing structural or foundational adjustment can take up to three years.

2. Prepare for the Application Process

bracesBraces can take a few hours to apply. Your child’s mouth will be open most of the time, so bring lip balm or petroleum jelly to keep their lips from drying and cracking. Post-application can be uncomfortable as the mouth adjusts to braces. Create a comfortable environment for your child to rest and recover for the rest of the day.

3. Know What Sensations to Expect

Pressure and aching in the jaw can be uncomfortable but should subside as your child’s mouth adjusts. They may also experience minor abrasions on the inner lips from the brackets. Ask the dentist for wax to help alleviate this discomfort, but be sure your child removes it before eating. Try preparing soft foods available like smoothies, apple sauce, and soup. Speak to the dentist about recommendations for over-the-counter pain relievers if necessary.

4. Avoid Certain Foods

A few types of food are off-limits when your child has braces. Refrain from buying a few kinds of foods to help your child to resist temptation. Avoid crunchy foods (hard candy, nuts, kettle chips), chewy or sticky foods (gummy candy, toffee, gum), and foods they’ll have to bite into (apples, corn on the cob).

5. Make a Care Kit

Food often gets stuck in and around braces, so a care kit is a helpful maintenance tool. Gather a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, threaders, and antiseptic mouthwash into a small bag. Have your child take it with them to school to encourage good oral hygiene.


If you still have questions about getting braces for your child, contact Nicholas J. Hurley D.D.S., P.A. in Thomasville, NC. Their expert team of dentists and hygienists offer educational and personalized care to their patients. They provide a wide range of dental services, including cleanings, implants, cosmetic dentistry, and restorations. Schedule an appointment on their website or call (336) 476-1109 to speak to their friendly staff.
