
When the pulp inside a tooth becomes infected, your dentist may suggest a root canal treatment. Although it may sound intimidating, it’s a safe, routine, and effective procedure for fixing a damaged tooth. It’s understandable if you want to learn more about the surgery before scheduling it, and this guide will help you get informed about the process.

What to Know About Root Canal Treatments

When is the procedure necessary?

If a tooth has experienced long-term decay or is seriously injured, the pulp inside it can become infected, damaging the nerves and causing you discomfort. The pain will be the most prevalent when you chew, bite, or expose your tooth to extreme temperatures. Your gums may also become swollen and sensitive.

Even without these symptoms, the infection may spread to other areas of the body, affecting your overall health. A root canal may be necessary if your dentist determines that the tooth’s tissue can’t be salvaged, or if the discomfort affects your daily life.

Are there alternatives?

root canalTooth extraction is the only other way to treat this type of infection. After removal, your dentist will install an implant to prevent dental issues and medical problems that occur as a result of a missing tooth. Overall, keeping your natural tooth is a simpler and more effective solution, and root canal surgeries have a 95% success rate.

What happens during a root canal treatment?

After numbing your mouth, the dentist will use small tools and water to remove the affected pulp and tissue from the tooth. This will prevent the infection from spreading. They’ll apply an antimicrobial solution to rid your mouth of remaining bacteria and use a temporary filling to close the tooth. Your tooth will heal, and after a few weeks, your dentist will place a crown on it.

What do I do after the procedure?

It’s normal for the tooth and gums around the site to be sensitive or inflamed after the treatment. You can alleviate any discomfort by gently pressing an ice pack near the site or taking over-the-counter painkillers, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Avoid chewing or biting hard foods while you heal, and see an emergency dentist if any discomfort persists more than a few days.


If you think you need a root canal treatment, visit the friendly team at Zen Dental Hawaii in Honolulu. These professionals use state-of-the-art equipment and the latest industry techniques to provide their patients with quality dental care. This practice is equipped with the resources to perform procedures on-site, meaning you’ll never be outsourced to another clinic. Learn more about their surgical treatments online, or call (808) 532-5888 to schedule an appointment.
