
Determining who is at fault in a car accident is critical in resolving liability issues. This is especially essential if you sustained severe injuries, and the compensation will help to cover your treatment and recovery costs. If you are involved in a road accident, hiring a car accident attorney as soon as possible will improve your chances of securing maximum compensation. However, even if you have legal counsel, it’s important to know the following information about establishing fault in a car accident.

Why Is a Police Report Necessary After a Car Accident?

A written accident report can help protect you, especially if you were injured. The police report contains the investigating officer's summary of information about the accident. It includes the date and time of the accident, conditions at the scene, citations, a diagram of the mishap, identifying information about the involved parties, and the officer's opinion on who is at fault. In addition to having a reliable car accident attorney by your side, the details from the police report can support your case as you seek damages.

How Is Fault Generally Determined in Rear-End Collisions?

car accident attorneyIf a driver hits your car from behind, they will likely be held liable for the accident regardless of your reason for suddenly braking. This is because the mishap wouldn’t have happened had the other driver kept a safe distance from your vehicle. There are a few exceptions to this, such as if you neglected to have your tail or brake lights fixed. Consequently, you may get reduced compensation under comparative negligence laws.

What Happens When the Accident Involves a Car Making a Left Turn?

In the U.S., a left-turning car is always the last priority in terms of the right of way. Similar to rear-end collisions, the fault is often automatically placed on the individual who failed to follow basic road rules, which, in this case, is the driver making a left turn.  

There are a few exceptions, though, such as if the other driver was running the red light, speeding, or if there were unforeseen circumstances that caused the turning car to stop or slow down.

If you have been a victim of another driver's negligence, turn to Ely, Bettini, Ulman, Rosenblatt, & Ozer, Attorneys at Law in Phoenix, AZ. This esteemed law firm has a client-first culture. As one of the oldest personal injury firms in the state, you can turn to them when you need an experienced car accident attorney, a wrongful death attorney, or a personal injury lawyer. Call them today at (800) 303-2144 to schedule a free consultation with a car accident attorney. For more information, visit their website or follow them on Facebook.
