
When winter hits, road safety and tire care are more important than ever. The combination of ice on the roads and cold rubber tires can be deadly, so your tires must be roadworthy long before the temperatures drop – after all, you don’t want to end up stuck on the side of a road, waiting for a towing company to arrive. If you’re unsure as to whether your tires will last the season, here are four signs they might need replacing.

Will Your Tires Survive the Winter? 4 Signs to Look Out For

1. Summer Tires

Winter tires used to be known as snow tires, which was a misnomer as it led people to believe that, if they didn’t live in a state where it snowed, they didn’t need to change their tires. However, winter tires should be used by anyone who lives somewhere where the temperatures fall below 45 degrees. Winter tires are made from a different type of rubber that can withstand colder temperatures without freezing. If a summer tire gets too cold, it will feel like you’re driving on glass.

2. Low Air Pressure

towingYour tires need to be properly inflated to perform at their best. For every ten-degree drop in temperature, your tire loses one psi of air, meaning your tires get flatter the colder it is. If you don’t keep track of your tire pressure and the outdoor temperature, you could find yourself driving around on under-inflated tires, causing irreparable damage.

3. Worn-Down Tread

Decent tire tread is essential all year round, but it’s lifesaving come winter. You need at least 4 mm of tread to drive safely in wet weather, and at least 6 mm for snow. You can see whether it’s time for you to replace your tires by doing the nickel test. Place a nickel in your tire tread with Jefferson’s head facing down, head-first into the tire. If you can see all his head, there is 4 mm or less tire tread, and you should replace it. Even if you rarely use your car, tires should be replaced if they’re over six years old as the rubber will have deteriorated.

4. Loss of Traction

Traction is tire grip on the road, and slippery streets of winter can cause tires to lose traction. Without switching your old tires for new, you could end up applying your brakes with no results, hydroplaning, or being in a severe accident. If you notice your car skidding as you turn corners or not being as responsive at slowing down, your tires are no longer gaining traction, and the problem will only get worse.


If you have tire problems and need a tow, call Platinum Towing and Transport, the leading towing service in St. Louis, MO. With over 20 years’ experience, this family-owned business is the most trusted source for 24/7 emergency and roadside tow assistance. Give them a call today at (314) 300-8694 or go online to see their full range of services.
