
When winter sets in, your heating system needs to be in top condition. This is why you should contact a heating contractor as soon as you spot any issues with your system. When the temperatures drop, your HVAC system will have to work much harder to keep your family warm and safe over the colder months. Unfortunately, the increased stress on your system means it’s at a higher risk of breaking down. Here are five common wintertime heating problems and how you can avoid them.

5 Winter Heating Problems and How to Prevent Them

1. Dirty Filters

A dirty filter stops your HVAC system from running efficiently. Most filters need changing every three months; however, check your manufacturer’s guidelines and be sure to follow them. Failing to change your filters in a timely manner means you’re not only paying higher energy bills as your heating system has to work harder, but you’re also at risk of permanent damage in the long run.

2. No Hot Water

heating contractorIf your home doesn’t have hot water, it could be because of frozen pipes. You may be able to thaw a frozen pipe by using hot towels or a hairdryer and making sure the faucet is turned on to relieve any pressure. If you’re still without hot water once the water is running, call a professional to check your water heater, as the issue could lie with the heater itself.

3. Dry Air

Dry air holds less heat, so if your home doesn’t contain much moisture, your home is likely to feel colder than usual and take longer to warm up. Dry air can also aggravate sensitive skin. If your home feels too dry this winter, invest in a humidifier to put some much-needed moisture into the air.

4. Malfunctioning Heat Pump

Heat pumps transfer heat energy from one source to another. However, winter temperatures can freeze your heat pump and stop it from working. If you have a defrost setting, be sure to turn it on. If not, make sure you regularly defrost it by hand to keep it running smoothly. Regular maintenance checks from an HVAC professional will ensure it’s ready to go heading into the colder season.

5. Uneven Air Flow

If your home has radically different temperatures depending on which room you’re in, take a look around your house before you call out a heating contractor, as something unrelated to your HVAC system could be causing the problem. Furniture blocking an air vent or an incoming draft due to insufficient insulation could be to blame.



Pioneer Heating & Cooling, Inc. of Kalispell, MT, are the HVAC experts of Flathead County. With more than 100 years of combined experience, their team of licensed heating contractors guarantees you’re in good hands. For every step from installation to repair and maintenance, call in the professionals to make sure you’re winter-ready. Go online today to learn more, or call (406) 309-2397 to schedule an appointment.
