
Although cavities are common, especially for children, they’re often preventable. Even if your child has not mastered effective oral hygiene habits yet, here are a few ways to help them avoid decay.


Teach proper brushing and flossing techniques. 

By brushing their teeth in gentle, circular motions for two minutes twice a day, your child is far less likely to develop cavities. They should also remove food remnants from between their teeth through correct flossing technique, wrapping both ends of the floss around their fingers and keeping the hands close together.  

Keep their teeth healthy with calcium. cavities

Most dairy products are high in calcium, which is a natural deterrent to tooth decay because it strengthens and replenishes the minerals in enamel. If your child loves yogurt, milk, and cheese, keep these foods in their diet to fortify their teeth against cavities. 


Rely on foods with excessive sugar or acids. 

Sugar is used by bacteria to produce acids that cause tooth decay. It’s found not only in candy, but also items high in carbohydrates or starches, like bread and potatoes.

Acid from other sources, such as citrus fruits, can also damage the enamel, promoting decay. Avoid feeding your child large amounts of such foods. Instead, opt mostly for teeth-friendly options, such as unsweetened dried fruit and seltzer.

Let snack remnants sit on the teeth. 

Giving a child snacks throughout the day leaves tiny food remnants around their teeth. This increases the opportunity for harmful bacteria to create the type of acid that causes cavities.

To prevent this, encourage them to drink water after snacking to wash down the particles. This is also helpful for producing saliva, which gets rid of bacteria. 

If your child needs fillings for cavities, go to Pediatric Dentistry of Onalaska, LLC in Wisconsin’s Tri-State Area. As a member of the American Dental Association, Dr. Timothy Flood is dedicated to making each dental appointment comfortable and enjoyable for your child. He offers treatments for current issues in addition to oral hygiene education to prevent future problems. Make an appointment for your child today by calling (608) 781-9114 or learn more about cavity treatments online
