
As the weather cools down and you stop needing the air conditioner to stay comfortable, it isn't enough to simply set the thermostat at a higher temperature. Your air conditioning unit is still on and vulnerable to wear and tear, which may lead to air conditioner repairs before next summer. To protect it, follow these steps to shut it down correctly for the season.

How to Transition the AC From Summer to Winter Use

1. Turn It Completely Off

Just because the air conditioner isn't cooling the home doesn't mean it’s powered off. You need to flip the switch or breaker that supplies power to the unit. You can find it outside near the air conditioning unit. This will stop the system from drawing power and wearing out electrical components and sensors during cooler months.

2. Clean the Unit

air conditioning unitWhile outside, clear away any plants, trash, or debris around the unit so there’s at least a foot of clearance. Dust off the grating that covers the air conditioning unit as well. You should also open it up and clean off the evaporator coil, and make sure there are no rodents or insects making their home inside.

3. Cover the Unit

During the colder months, small animals look for shelter, and you don't want them to find it in your outdoor air conditioner. Also, you don't want any water to get into the mechanisms and freeze, as it can bend, crack, or corrode components. Cover the unit with a weatherproof cover designed for the purpose.


For help closing down your air conditioning unit this winter, call Marvin's Heating & Air Conditioning in San Marcos, TX. Serving Hays County for over 36 years, this licensed and insured HVAC contractor offers upfront pricing so you won't find any surprises on your bill. To get started, visit their website or call (512) 396-4791.
