
Keeping your drains clear is an essential aspect of home maintenance. Yet, some sneaky factors can contribute to clogs, many of which go overlooked by homeowners. If you’re experiencing slow drains or frequent clogs, here are some potential causes behind the issue.

5 Common Culprits Behind Clogged Drains

1. Food Waste

Whenever possible, avoid letting food scraps, like fruit peels, pasta and other fibrous foods, and eggshells, go down the drain. Even if you have a garbage disposal, these foods are notorious for getting stuck in pipes. Simply toss them in the trash instead, or better yet, save them for your garden’s compost pile.

2. Grease

home maintenanceThe drain may seem like the logical place to dispose of cooking oils and other types of kitchen grease. Unfortunately, after the grease cools, it can solidify and become sticky, attracting other particles and creating a complete clog. Avoid the issue by storing your kitchen grease in a coffee can, then throwing the can in the trash once full.

3. Bathroom Garbage

It can be tempting to simply flush items, like cotton balls, cosmetic wipes, dental floss, and other bathroom garbage, down the toilet. Yet, all of these items can create blockages, which could cause major clogs. Prevent the issue by putting a small waste receptacle in your bathrooms and make emptying it a regular part of your home maintenance routine.

4. Hair

We lose hair every day, especially while in the shower. The only place for it to go is down the drain, where it can create clogs that slow your drain or stop the flow of water completely. That is, unless you install hair traps, which can be purchased at most hardware stores.

5. Mineral Buildup

Many homes have naturally hard water with a high mineral content. Over time, hard water can corrode your home’s fixtures, and it can also create masses that will clog your drains. While you might consider investing in a water softener, you can also make descaling your pipes a regular home maintenance task to prevent clogs.


Whether you’re dealing with clogged drains or you have another home maintenance task you need help with, turn to ABC Services, LLC in Cincinnati. This helpful handyman service specializes in cleaning dryer vents and can also assist with a range of other household activities. Browse through their full list of services online or call (513) 801-4454 to discuss your needs with one of their team members.
