
Tight muscles can lead to discomfort throughout the day, which is why chiropractors recommend morning stretches. These will wake your muscles up, so you feel loose and can perform basic tasks. You may also reduce the likelihood of injury and achieve pain relief for existing conditions. Try the following techniques after you get out of bed.

Essential Morning Stretches

1. Upward Stretch

Upward stretches can be performed in bed immediately after waking up. Sit up, cross your legs, and keep your spine straight. Reach both arms overhead, lock your fingers, and reach your palms to the sky. Elongate your spine with each breath. This can provide pain relief for back pain and will also promote circulation to wake your body up.

2. Spinal Twists

pain reliefIf you wake up with back pain and a stiff spine, twists can play an essential role. You can perform this stretch in bed, as well. Lying flat on your back, draw the heels of your feet up and roll both legs to one side until they collapse on one another. Push the opposing shoulder into the mattress. You should feel stretching throughout your back and may even crack your spine a few times. Hold for 30 seconds, breathe deeply, and then switch to the other side.

3. Hamstring Stretches

Many people have tight hamstrings, and they’re a common culprit of back pain. Lie flat on your back with your legs out. Slowly lift one leg upwards, keeping your knee straight. Keep your hips flat on the ground. You should feel a deep stretch throughout your hamstring and buttocks. Next, switch to the other leg. Wrap a towel around your foot to help with deeper stretching. Doing so will also pull your foot toward you to stretch your calves.


If you deal with regular discomfort, you should see a chiropractor for a diagnosis. The team at Get Well Family Chiropractic is committed to helping patients recover and achieve pain relief. As a leading practice in Florissant, MO, they treat many conditions, including back and neck pain. Their team focuses on holistic care and can also provide nutrition advice. Visit their website to learn more about the practice and call (314) 524-2580 to schedule a consultation. Connect on Facebook for more health tips.
