
Laying concrete can be more challenging in especially hot or cold weather. If you want to add concrete to your property, it’s important to understand the ideal conditions for the process. This way, you can schedule a delivery with your aggregate distributor during the optimal season.

Ideal Conditions for Curing Concrete

It’s usually best to lay concrete in moderate weather conditions, ideally close to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature allows the concrete to dry evenly at every layer before any part of the ground freezes. Dry conditions without excessive rain or humidity are also preferable. If moisture seeps into the concrete, it can prolong the drying process.

Importance of Curing Concrete in Moderate Temperatures

aggregate distributorIf concrete is laid in excessive heat, the top layer will dry too quickly, while the bottom layers take longer to cure. Concrete shrinks slightly as it dries. If it dries unevenly, it can get damaged. You may not notice at first, but over time the disparity between layers can lead to a much weaker slab.

If you try to lay concrete when it’s especially cold outside, the material might freeze before it’s fully dry. If the concrete doesn’t dry evenly at every layer, it won’t be at full strength throughout its lifespan and will require more frequent repairs. Ideally, you should avoid laying concrete if there’s any chance of freezing within the first 24 hours.


If you’re looking for an aggregate distributor for your concrete projects, contact Manchester Aggregate Supply in Manchester, CT. This company provides a wide array of construction aggregates and materials, including several varieties of ready-mix concrete. With more than 40 years in business, the aggregate distributor will deliver products directly to your worksite Monday through Friday throughout the entire year. Visit the company’s website to see their supply of materials. To schedule a delivery, call the aggregate distributor directly at (860) 643-5578.
