
Bruxism is a common dental problem resulting in prematurely-worn teeth, jaw pain and stress, headaches, neck and shoulder stiffness, ear pain, and muscle aches. Also known as teeth grinding, many people awake with bruxism symptoms, while others grind during the day. Some causes include sleep disorders, stress and anxiety, habits such as smoking and alcohol use, and depression. If you grind your teeth, here are a few tips for breaking the habit, including talking to your dentist.

How to Stop Bruxism

1. Take Warm Baths

Unwind in the evening by taking a warm bath before bed. Warm water relaxes the muscles, including your jaw muscles. If you don’t have time to take a bath every night, apply moist heat with a warm, wrung-out washcloth.

2. De-Stress

dentistFind healthy ways to reduce stress and anxiety, such as exercising, practicing deep breathing and meditation, spending time with family and friends, enjoying massages, and watching your favorite shows. Also, speak with a qualified therapist about severe anxiety issues to determine the root causes and find solutions.

3. Chew Food Only

Use your teeth to chew food only—not pens, pencils, or other non-edible items. Chewing on items helps make grinding a habit, as the jaw muscles will stay tense. Be mindful of clenching; instead, relax your mouth as much as possible.

4. Wear a Nightguard

Talk to your dentist about a nightguard, or nighttime mouthguard, if you mainly grind your teeth while asleep. Nightguards protect your teeth from premature wear while also reducing stress on your jaw, so you’ll wake up more rested and headache-free. A dentist can provide a custom-made guard that fits your mouth comfortably and features the correct thickness for your bruxism issues.

5. Limit Caffeine, Alcohol & Tobacco Use

Avoid—or at least limit—your use of caffeinated and alcoholic drinks, as well as tobacco products. Studies link these habits to bruxism. Caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco also stain teeth and contribute to dry mouth. Plus, tobacco increases your risk of mouth and throat cancers. 

Take control of your teeth grinding issue with help from the dentists at Four Corners Dental Group. Featuring convenient locations in Anchorage and Wasilla, AK, this practice offers family and cosmetic dentistry services using state-of-the-art technology. Call (907) 258-3384 for the Anchorage office or (907) 376-2790 for the Wasilla location to make an appointment, or visit the website for service details. Follow these dentists on Twitter for additional dental care tips.
