
Located in an idyllic country setting, Robinwood Kennel has been caring for pets in Northern Kentucky since 1970. This family-owned pet boarding facility offers a number of services such as dog walking, dog daycare, and multi-day dog and cat boarding. They also take appointments for dog and cat grooming services that include baths, haircuts, and nail trims.

If you’ve been thinking about adding a dog to your household, there are a few details that the staff at Robinwood Kennel encourages you to consider:

  • Average Annual Cost: According to data from the ASPCA, the annual cost of care for a dog can range from $420 to $780 depending on the dog’s size, age, and overall health. Emergency vet visits can add to this figure.
  • Your Household: Choose a breed that fits in with your family’s lifestyle. Consider factors such as allergies, activity level, and the needs of any children in the home. Dogs and children will require supervision until they adjust to one another.
  • Health and Safety: Dogs of all ages need vaccinations and flea protection. Guidelines vary from state to state, so consult your veterinarian to make sure your dog is up to date. The ASPCA has a list of foods and other common household products that can be harmful to pets. If you suspect your dog has come into contact with something dangerous, call the Pet Poison Control hotline at (888) 426-4435.
  • Spay/Neuter: Research shows that pets who have been spayed or neutered tend to live longer, healthier lives. The procedure also helps decrease the number of animals in need of homes.
  • Identification: Identification tags on your dog’s collar increase the likelihood of being reunited if you are ever separated. You may also want to consider a microchip as a backup identification method.
  • Supplies: Dogs need a warm place to sleep, such as a pillow bed or some blankets. Make sure your dog has a variety of toys for entertainment and stimulation. Buy dishes with weighted bottoms; this design prevents spills and keeps your dog’s feeding area clean.
  • Exercise: Just like humans, dogs need exercise. Do you have open space at home or access to a park where your dog can run?
  • Vacation Care: Need to go out of town for a few days? Let Robinwood Kennel be your dog’s home away from home.

Northern Kentucky pet owners have trusted Robinwood Kennel for decades. When your new dog needs daycare, a sitter, or a good grooming session, give them a call at (859) 781-2352
