
Physical activity helps people stay fit, busy, and happy. However, before you get involved in a new sport, it’s crucial to ensure you protect yourself, including your teeth. If you’re an athlete, here are some tips to consider before your next dentist appointment.

A Guide to Dental Care for Athletes

1. Consider Which Sport You Engage In 

If you want to minimize the chances of sustaining an oral injury, take up sports like dance, gymnastics, swimming, and running. Because most of these activities are performed individually or with one other person, they’re considered low- or no-contact, which means they pose a much lower risk of causing head or facial injuries. 

2. Invest in Protective Gear

dentistIf you do opt for a contact sport, having the right equipment is crucial. When playing sports like baseball, martial arts, hockey, football, cycling, or skateboarding, you need to wear a helmet. This gear will protect your teeth from chips or cracks if you’re hit with a ball, puck, or piece of sports equipment.

3. Get a Mouthguard

While a helmet will protect your teeth, for complete safety, all athletes participating in contact sports should invest in a custom-made mouthguard. This device will be shaped to securely surround each of your teeth. Not only will this protect your teeth, but it will also minimize the chances of damage to the sensitive tissues in your mouth, like the gums and tongue. It’s common for athletes to accidentally bite down on these tissues upon impact, which could lead to nerve damage, infections, bleeding, and difficulty chewing or speaking.


If you need help protecting your teeth from the risks of playing sports, turn to the dentists at Dental Clinic of Onalaska in La Crosse County, WI. With a broad range of services and compassionate staff members, they have everything needed to protect your oral health. Call (608) 783-3341 to schedule an appointment, and visit them online for more information on their services.
