
Even after the initial shock of an automobile accident wears off, it’s overwhelming to consider the next steps. An accident lawyer can help guide you and protect your interests. For now, here are some tips for moments immediately following the auto accident.


See if everybody is okay.

Once you examine yourself and any passengers in your car, do the same for anyone in the other vehicle. If you feel any post-collision pain, even if it’s minor, seek immediate medical attention, as the pain is likely to worsen in the first 24 hours after the accident.

Also, take note of everyone’s injuries, including your own. This information is vital when you’re filing claims and ensuring everyone’s story is consistent.

Call the police and your insurer.

accident-lawyer-montanaAfter an accident, call the police so an officer can investigate the scene and prepare a report. While you wait, this is a perfect time to report the accident to your insurer, as most policies require prompt reporting of claims for coverage to apply. Keep in mind that your report should be succinct and limited only to what you know. Once you’ve retained legal representation, your accident attorney can handle it from there.

Exchange information with everyone involved.

Collect the name, contact information, license plate, vehicle information, driver’s license number, and insurance information from all parties involved. You’ll need this information to file your claim and defend claims brought against you. If your car is damaged, this also ensures you can identify the driver that is responsible for covering necessary repairs.


Admit fault.

Do not admit responsibility or apologize, even if you think the accident was your fault. Admitting fault without having all of the relevant information could cause you to be held liable for an accident that wasn’t your fault.

Give too much information.

The more information you give, the more opportunity there is to “get your story wrong.” Limit the information you provide to only what is requested, unless something crucial is missing.

Negotiate for yourself.

Never forget that insurance companies are always looking to minimize payouts. Having an accident attorney negotiate your claim creates an incentive for the carrier to pay you what you deserve to avoid costly litigation; even after paying your attorney, you’ll almost always walk away with more money than you would by negotiating on your own.


If you’ve been injured in an accident, you need an attorney who will fight to protect your rights and get you the compensation you deserve. The attorneys at Bothe & Lauridsen PC have over 50 years’ experience representing people in automobile accidents throughout Montana. Visit their website or call (406) 892-2193 for details on their legal services.
