
As a parent, you know that serving your kids nutritious food is one of the most essential parts of child care. However, as your children age, they’ll start making their own decisions regarding food. That’s why teaching them healthy eating habits is just as essential as preparing nutritious meals. To help you keep your little ones healthy and strong, here are some helpful tips for teaching them about nutrition.

3 Ways to Teach Kids About Nutrition

1. Give Them Choices

When your children grow up, they’ll be faced with daily dietary decisions. Prepare them for this stage of life by offering choices at each meal. For instance, you could ask if they want a side of broccoli or baby carrots at dinner. These decisions let kids feel more in control of their nutrition, which can help them make smarter choices as they age.

2. Provide Variety

child-care-Greensboro-NCInstead of forbidding certain foods or food groups, parents and child care providers should teach kids that a healthy diet includes various foods in appropriate portions. Encourage them to try different fruits, veggies, and other nourishing foods to make nutrition more exciting. Also, let them enjoy treats in moderation so they don’t feel restricted and binge on sweet or salty snacks.

3. Shop & Cook Together

Make nutrition fun by letting your kids help you choose foods at the grocery store. Teach them to make smart and healthy decisions, and let them help you prepare the meal once you get home. Smaller kids can stir soups or put ingredients in salads while older kids can perform more advanced tasks, such as cracking eggs or chopping vegetables. No matter their age, involving  kids in meal preparation helps them feel more appreciative and thoughtful toward food.


If you’re looking for a child care provider who knows the importance of proper nutrition, turn to Guilford Child Development. Located in Greensboro, NC, this trusted, affordable day care service has been helping children grow into healthy, happy adults since 1967. Their Catering for Kids program provides over 1,200 nutritious, culturally diverse meals to all of their child care centers. Learn more about their compassionate services online, and call (336) 887-8224 to discuss your child’s needs with a team member.
