
Anyone can have bad breath when they wake up or after eating food with a strong odor; however, persistent bad breath could indicate a more significant issue. Chronic bad breath won't go away without treatment for the underlying cause. Your dentist can identify the culprit with an oral exam, which could be one of the following problems.

Why Does My Breath Smell?

1. Teeth Cleaning Problems

Your teeth must be brushed twice daily and flossed once a day. If you're not doing this regularly and correctly, bacteria can build up in your mouth and create odors. Your dentist can help you find ways to make your dental hygiene routine easier, as well as identify any problem areas you may be missing when you brush.

2. Infections

Gum disease, abscessed teeth, sinus infections, and other decay in your mouth can cause stubborn odors that don't go away with brushing; these pockets of bacteria are protected from your toothbrush. You may need antibiotics or deep cleaning from your dentist to address the issue.

3. Dry Mouth

Dentist-McCall-IDSaliva helps wash away bacteria and dilutes the acid they produce. When your mouth is dry, bacteria multiply on your teeth and gums. Dry mouth can be due to various health conditions or medications, so treating it might be a joint effort between your dentist and doctor.


If you need to find the cause of bad breath, visit Brian W. Charles, DMD in McCall, ID. Serving Adams and Valley counties for over 30 years, this friendly and knowledgeable dentist offers advanced restorative services, including dental implants, as well as BOTOX® and Juvederm® treatments. To make an appointment and discuss a payment plan, call (208) 634-7653 or visit the website.
