
One of the standard examinations for children during doctor visits is a check for scoliosis—an abnormal curvature of the spin. It’s a common condition that doesn’t always require treatment. Bracing, chiropractic care, and other treatments are necessary in severe cases to prevent complications, including back problems, breathing difficulties, and mobility impairment.

4 FAQ About Scoliosis

1. What Is It?

Although the human spine has a natural curve when viewed from the side, it should appear straight when viewed from the front. When it bends to the right or left, it’s called scoliosis. Over time, scoliosis worsens as spinal bones twist into a C- or an S-curve. Most cases are considered mild, with bends in the spine of less than 10 to 20 degrees. In a severe case, the spine may be curved more than 50 degrees.

2. What Causes It?

The specific cause of scoliosis is unknown, but doctors believe there’s a genetic component. Adults with scoliosis are more likely to have children who also have it. It may be present at birth in children with cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy.

The majority of scoliosis cases are diagnosed in children between the ages of 3 and 10. Females are more susceptible to the condition than males. Older adults may develop degenerative scoliosis as spinal tissue weakens and bone spurs form.

3. What Are Its Symptoms?

chiropractic careThe most obvious symptom of scoliosis is curvature of the spine, often first noticed by a parent, friend, or teacher. Many schools conduct regular scoliosis screenings because the condition takes hold slowly. When obvious posture changes take place—with one hip appearing higher than the other, for instance, or the head appearing off-center—the problem is often identified. Other symptoms include uneven appearance of shoulder blades and misaligned shoulders and waists.

4. How Is It Treated? 

Scoliosis is treated in several ways. Chiropractic care is often recommended to help improve alignment and relieve back or neck pain. Chiropractic care isn’t a cure, though. Surgery may be used to straighten the spinal curve only in severe cases.

Otherwise, most people with scoliosis wear a brace to prevent the curvature from worsening as they grow. Once they’ve stopped growing, they can discontinue wearing the brace. Research has also indicated that exercise can be helpful in reducing the curvature of the spine.


If your child has been diagnosed with scoliosis, chiropractic care may help them live more comfortably. The team at Advanced Medical and Wellness in Dayton, OH, will put 40 years of combined experience to work to provide comprehensive treatment and relief. Learn more about chiropractic adjustments by checking out their online testimonials, or schedule an appointment by calling (937) 427-2225.
