
When a bat gets into your home, your first instinct might be to panic. After all, bats are associated with scary movies, and they are often assumed to be carrying rabies. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only about 10% of bats are rabid. And when these animals get into your home, all they want to do is leave. If you discover a bat inside, stay calm, and follow these wildlife removal tips. 

5 Tips for Dealing with a Bat in Your House

1. Wear Protective Gear

Although most bats do not have rabies and aren’t aggressive, you should protect yourself from bites. Choose long-sleeved clothing, pants, and leather gloves when corralling a bat. Also, consider a face mask or safety goggles during any wildlife removal operation.

2. Open Doors & Windows

wildlife removalThe bat is as eager to leave your home as you are to have it gone, so open doors and windows to give it an exit. If you can, contain the bat in the room; for instance, if it’s in the bedroom, close the bedroom and closet doors and open the windows, removing screens if necessary. This will limit where it can go. 

3. Turn Out the Lights

Bats navigate by echolocation rather than sight, so bright lights cause them to become disoriented. Leave a dim light on so you can see where the bat is. Be quiet, and allow the bat to locate the exit naturally. The more still and quiet you are, the easier it will be for the bat to fly outside.

4. Trap the Bat

If coaxing the bat out doesn't work, another option is trap and release. When the bat lands, trap it in a cardboard box or plastic container, slide a piece of paper or cardboard underneath to contain it, and then release it outside. Place the bat near a tree, not on the ground, because they cannot take flight from the ground.

5. Call for Wildlife Removal

If you can’t seem to trap the bat or direct it out of your home, call a professional wildlife removal company. They can safely remove the bat, help determine how it got in, and identify ways to prevent more animals from coming into your home.


When an uninvited animal comes into your home, ASAP Critter People can remove it safely and humanely. This Cincinnati, OH, area business is family-owned and -operated and removes animals from your home, while also helping you prevent future issues. For help removing wildlife from your home, call (513) 941-0258, or visit them online for more tips on keeping animals off your property.
