
If you own a business, you need commercial cleaning services for your workplace. Regular gutter cleanouts are also crucial since they prevent clogs that could cause major problems for your building. Here's a closer look at the benefits of gutters maintenance.

How Can Clogged Gutters Affect Your Business?

1. Roof Leaks

When gutters are clogged, rainwater can get backed up and cause major damage. The water pooling against your eaves can seep under most types of roofing and into the building. This can cause mold growth and wood rot in the roof. If a lot of water gets in, it might start dripping down into the building interior, causing water stains and wall damage.

2. Exterior Stains

Cleaning ServiceWater that doesn't flow down your gutters into the downspout may flow over the sides of the gutters instead. When this happens, water will run down the side of the building. It can introduce dirt and rust or even cause algae to grow if the building is soaked often enough. This would make your business look run down and may persuade customers to go elsewhere.

3. Erosion

Your gutters and downspouts are set up to channel water away from the building foundation. If the gutters are clogged, the overflowing water can wash away the soil at the foot of the building. This would damage your landscaping and affect the appearance of the property. It may also lead to the foundation shifting over time.


If you need a professional cleaning service to clear your business's gutters, contact Office Sweep in Texarkana, AR. They have over 20 years of experience serving Miller County and the surrounding area, and they will help your business with any janitorial needs. To schedule an appointment, call (903) 244-2980 or visit their website for more information on their services.
