
While hearing you have a high-risk pregnancy might cause you to worry, this condition is actually more common than you may think. Several factors can lead to such a prognosis, and every pregnancy is different. Learn more about these factors to be better prepared, and keep in mind that an experienced OB-GYN can provide high-risk pregnancy care to help you and your baby get through safely.

Risk Factors of a High-Risk Pregnancy

1. Preexisting Health Conditions

There are many medical conditions that may affect you or your unborn baby during pregnancy. Some of these include polycystic ovary syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, HIV, and kidney, heart, or lung problems. If your family has a history of genetic disorders or if you have a personal history of miscarriage or other previous pregnancy issues, these can also be risk factors. Talk to your OB-GYN to find out if you need high-risk pregnancy care.

2. Mother’s Age

high-risk pregnancy careIf you’re younger than 17 or older than 35 when your baby is due, you will face a greater risk of complications. Young teenagers can be more likely to develop high blood pressure and anemia during pregnancy. They are also at a higher risk for early labor.

Older women are also at a higher risk of developing gestational diabetes and hypertension. They may also suffer from pregnancy loss, ectopic pregnancy, or delivery complications. Ask your OB-GYN if your age necessitates high-risk pregnancy care.

3. Mother’s Lifestyle

If you use alcohol, tobacco, or drugs while you’re pregnant, you’ll drastically increase your chances of experiencing a high-risk pregnancy. These lifestyle choices can put your baby at risk by increasing the chances of stillbirth, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), and more.

4. Pregnancy Conditions

Certain conditions that develop during the gestational period can cause a higher-risk pregnancy. If you develop gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, or eclampsia, your doctor will need to monitor you more closely to manage the conditions. You are also automatically at a higher risk if you’re carrying twins, triplets, or more fetuses.


Find excellent high-risk pregnancy care by contacting the medical professionals at Thameside ObGyn Centre in Groton, CT. This team of doctors, nurses, and sonographers treat each patient with the highest standards of care. They’re well-versed in handling any kind of complications that may arise during pregnancy and are equipped to help you and your baby make it through each trimester and the birth safely. Learn more about the practice online or make your first appointment by calling (860) 445-5107.
