
In the blink of an eye, your baby grows into a toddler and it is time to send them off to preschool. If you already have child care, you might wonder if enrolling them in preschool is worth it. However, these programs are designed to teach your little one valuable lessons to prepare them for kindergarten and beyond. Here are just a few of the skills they will acquire.

3 Skills Your Child Will Learn in Preschool

1. Communication

In preschool, your child will be constantly interacting with their teachers and peers. While they might feel shy at first, they’ll soon be motivated to communicate their own ideas—whether it’s their turn with a toy or they’d like an extra snack. Without you there to help, they’ll have to make their own wishes known. This may start off as hand motions and gestures, but it will lay the foundation for verbal communication soon enough.  

preschool2. Group Dynamics

When you play a game with your child at home, you might let them take the first turn every time. When in a preschool setting, your child will learn what it’s like to be part of a group, where everyone is treated equally.

In this environment, they can’t assume they get to be “it”—they’ll have to take into account the social cues they’re receiving from their classmates and process them accordingly. Preschool can teach children how to balance self-confidence and empathy from a very young age.

3. Critical Thinking

As your child engages in the everyday activities of their preschool—from sing-a-longs to arts and crafts—they’ll encounter minor obstacles along the way. Slowly, they’ll learn to reflect on the world around them and explore possible solutions. For example, how can they get to the top of the slide safely? Or how can they divide one piece of paper into two? Without a parent to automatically show them the way, your child will learn how to use critical thinking to find success.


If you’re eager for your child to have this experience, turn to The Preschool at Discovery. This Gilbert, AZ, faith-centered preschool uses developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) teaching methods marked by teacher-guided, play-based activities to help your child fall in love with learning. They have over 50 years of combined experience and a low student-to-teacher ratio, so you can ensure your child’s education is off to an excellent start. To learn more about their learning center, visit the website. Call (480) 999-4245 with questions.
