
About one in 20 adults has a headache every or nearly every day. Some headaches are more severe than others, but how do you know when you have a full migraine? This guide outlines the differences between these two conditions, as well as how to find headache relief for both.


Headaches are common medical experiences that are caused by muscles contracting in the head and neck. They usually cause throbbing pressure or an aching sensation, lasting anywhere from 30 minutes to several days. There are several types of headaches, including tension, cluster, and sinus headaches.

Headaches can have many causes, including stress, dehydration, poor posture, and lack of sleep. In some cases, headaches are linked to an underlying condition. You can usually find headache relief by taking over-the-counter pain medication, sleeping, drinking water, or using relaxation techniques. However, see your doctor if you have persistent or severe headaches.


headache reliefMigraines are usually associated with more severe pain than standard headaches and usually arrive with additional symptoms. Some signs that you are having a migraine include pain in the temples, pain behind one eye, nausea, sensitivity to light, seeing flashing lights, and vomiting. Most migraines only affect one side of the head. Migraines generally appear with or without aura, which includes seeing flashing lights or lines, having difficulty thinking, and experiencing numbness or other unusual sensations.

Migraines are often triggered by factors like hormonal changes, alcohol, contraceptives, anxiety, and certain foods. Work with your doctor to identify these triggers to try to prevent migraines in the first place. When you experience a migraine, you may find headache relief with medication, sleep, relaxation techniques, heat therapy, and drinking caffeine. Your doctor can work with you to better manage your pain and find a lasting solution.


If you experience frequent headaches or migraines, the team at Rosemount Chiropractic may help you find headache relief. Located in Dakota County, MN, this clinic offers quality chiropractic care to fit your lifestyle and wellness needs. Whether you are experiencing lower back pain or carpal tunnel, they use techniques like chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, and rehabilitative therapy to help you feel your best. Visit them online to view a full list of their services, or call (651) 423-2251 to make an appointment.
