
Many of the best parts of the holidays, such as sweets and decorations, can be hazardous to the pets at home. Dogs and cats are notorious for gaining access to places and items that aren’t pet-safe. In the interest of preventative pet care, make sure your animals steer clear of the following. 

How to Keep Pets Safe During the Holiday Season

1. Alcohol

The holidays are a time with lots of parties and events, some of which might feature alcoholic beverages. Make sure to place alcoholic beverages on higher tables and monitor your glasses, so pets can’t take any sips. Also, be cautious when serving alcohol in punch bowls, as it makes it easier for cats and dogs to access. Pets can absorb alcohol at a quicker pace, which means a reasonable amount can cause stomach pain. 

2. Christmas Trees

preventative pet careYou don’t need to completely forgo a Christmas tree if you have a dog or cat at home. However, take the time to anchor the tree so it stays upright. Both dogs and cats have been known to pull down trees, which can cause injuries. Also, use something other than tinsel to decorate its branches, as animals may eat this and develop bowel obstructions.

3. Chocolate

Chocolate tends to be everywhere during the holidays. However, keeping it out of the mouths of canines should be a prime part of your preventative pet care strategy. Dogs process theobromine—a chemical in chocolate—differently than humans, which may lead to a build-up of toxins. If your dog consumes a large amount of chocolate by accident, contact your vet immediately. 


The holidays can be a difficult time to bring your dog or cat to the vet, especially with so many other obligations on your to-do list. Luckily, Dr. Robin's Housecall Veterinary Services in Denver, CO, is dedicated to bringing preventative pet care to your front door. A mobile vet is a perfect option if you lead a busy lifestyle, have older, ailing pets, or have difficulty transporting your pets. Call (970) 217-1260 to schedule an appointment, or visit the website for the full listing of services. 
