
If you’re a golf enthusiast, you know few things are more satisfying than a few successful rounds. If you want to make the most of your time on the course, warming up beforehand is crucial. Before your next tee time, consider using some of the exercises and stretches below to prepare.

Warmups & Exercises to Improve Your Golf Game

1. Wrists

When it comes to mastering the perfect swing, grip is key. Whenever you take a prolonged break from playing, keep your wrists flexible and allow them to become reacquainted with the weight of holding a club. Start by exercising the small muscles in your hands and arms. Hold one arm out with the palm of your hand vertical and facing forward. Then, pull the fingers back with your other hand so your wrist is at about a 90-degree angle. You can also gently squeeze a stress ball throughout the day to maintain grip strength.

2. Shoulders & Back

golfIf you play with stiff muscles, you’re more likely to experience significant discomfort and pain in the shoulders and lower back. To avoid this problem, do a few hand walks, which help prep and loosen tight muscles. In this warmup, start in a standing position. Then, bend forward at the waist, placing both hands on the ground. Slowly walk your hands forward until you’re in the pushup position. Then, walk your feet forward toward your hands. While you do this, avoid bending the knees.

3. Arms

Weightlifting reps before you play golf increase blood flow to your arms while strengthening muscles and improving flexibility. Before you head to the course, lay down on a bench with the right side of your body hanging off. Hold a small dumbbell in your right hand with your arm extended upward. While using the left hand for support, slowly start to lower your right hand until the dumbbell is in line with the shoulder and parallel to the ground. Do this 10 times, switching sides after each set.


Once you’re all warmed up, head on over to The Virtues Golf Club in Nashport, OH, for a round. This high-end club was featured on the “America’s Top 100 Public Courses List” and is proud to offer stunning courses with a 60,000-square-foot clubhouse. Visit their website to see their rates, go online to book a tee time, and call (740) 763-1100 to speak with a team member.
