
Winter season is a sensitive time for roofs. They become vulnerable to harsh weather conditions like snow, ice, hail, and high winds. If not addressed, these elements can damage your home’s roof and your wallet. There are several signs you can look for that will determine if it has any issues, and if you need roof repairs.

Roofing Issues to Look for in Winter

1. Condensation

One of the most common issues roofs face during the winter involves condensation from lack of ventilation. This happens when the warm air in your home meets the cold underside of a roof, forming moisture. The result is mold, mildew, and a musty smell. Deal with this by installing ventilation that helps airflow and dries your attic out.

2. Ice Dams

Ice dams happen when the upper areas of your frozen roof thaw while the lower areas are still frozen. The melting ice and snow flow down and refreeze at the bottom of the roof and gutters, creating a dam. Water pools can gather there and leak into your home. To prevent ice dams, install insulation that keeps the roof from getting too warm.

3. Icicles

roof repairsThese icy dangers form when water from melted snow trickles down the roof and refreezes as it descends through the cold air. If not corrected, icicles will continue to grow in length. Aside from ventilation and insulation, prevent icicles by clearing your gutters of debris, and removing snow and ice from the edges of the roof.

4. Strong Winds

Harsh winds can knock shake and asphalt shingles from your roof. See if you find any parts of your roof on the ground; this will give you a hint of possible wind damage. This is a natural issue to deal with, and property owners cannot do much to negate the strong winds. However, anticipating severe weather will prepare you to deal with roof repairs if they arrive.

5. Leaky Flashings

If you have a sloped roof, you may face leaky flashings. This is when the strips of metal along the edges, corners, and ridges of your roof pull away due to storms or improper installation. Stop this is by inspecting your flashings every six months and ensure they don’t start peeling away.


When it comes to roofs that work and last, Lar-Son and Sons Inc., of Rhinelander, WI, does them exceptionally well. They’ve been around since 1940 and are experts in numerous services, including roof repairs, rubber roofing, and new siding. For more roofing tips, visit their Facebook or call (715) 362 - 2769 for a free estimate.
