
Using a residential heating system in the winter can quickly add up to an expensive utility bill. Homeowners who are interested in lowering their payments should consider making a few simple changes. Below are four ways to get started reducing your utility costs during winter.

Lower Your Winter Heating Bills With This Advice

1. Upgrade Your HVAC

Most residential heating systems have a lifespan between 15 and 30 years if they receive regular inspections and maintenance. If your furnace is approaching this age, schedule yearly inspections with an HVAC professional. They’ll look for signs that you need a replacement, such as having to make frequent repairs or an increasingly high heating bill. If you’re ready for a replacement, ask a technician to offer advice on what size furnace will efficiently warm the home. Look for ENERGY STAR® appliances as they will provide the best output for the least power.

2. Install a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats allow you to control the temperature inside the house from anywhere you have internet. These systems feature automatic adjustments to change the temperature based on the weather outside.

residential heating systemThe devices can also follow set schedules like lowering the heat when you leave, and turning it up on your way home, so the house is cozy before you get there. Your HVAC will be more efficient and use less power thanks to these innovative controllers.

3. Change the Filters Regularly

Residential heating systems feature filters in the air intake vents to prevent contaminants from spreading throughout the house. Clogged filters require more power to move the air, increasing the heating bill.

Change these filters every two to three months to remove dust, hair, fur, and dander. Make more frequent swaps if your home features pets or individuals with respiratory issues to prevent allergy and asthma symptoms from flaring up and improve air quality.

4. Install Weatherstripping

Many homes have vulnerable areas where heat escapes and creates an air exchange. Unfortunately, this wastes money on higher heating bills to replace the lost air. Installing inexpensive weatherstripping around the doors and windows will limit this exchange and ensure the heat you pay for stays inside, keeping your family comfortable.


If you’re interested in updating your residential heating systems this winter, contact Wright Heating & Cooling in Cuyahoga County, OH. The technicians have been in the industry for more than 65 years, improving energy efficiency, and installing, maintaining, and repairing HVAC systems. Call the Cleveland-area specialists at (330) 673-3507 or visit the website for information on their affordable services, including emergency advice.
