
High utility bills could stem from inefficiencies with your plumbing system. A pipe leak, for example, could amount to numerous gallons of water waste, spiking monthly costs. In addition to investing in much-needed plumbing repairs, below are steps you can take to reduce how much water and energy the household consumes and the associated expense.

3 Plumbing Upgrades to Cut Down on Utility Costs

1. Low-Flow Showerheads

Almost 17% of the water used in homes is devoted to taking showers. If you spend considerable time under the stream, consider upgrading to low-flow showerheads. Whereas standard models use 2.5 gallons of water per minute, low-flow devices with the WaterSense® label use two gallons per minute. Using low-flow fixtures can equal 25% to 60% in water savings.

2. Tankless Water Heater

plumbing repairsOften installed in basements, traditional water heaters feature large storage tanks, where 20 to 80 gallons of heated water are on reserve. When water is needed, a pipe extending from the tank directs it to the intended destination. To cut down on energy costs, switch to a tankless water heater. Water is heated as needed, providing two to five gallons per minute. You won’t have to worry about the heat loss that often occurs when leaving water in a tank. Homes that use 41 gallons of hot water daily or less see a 24% to 34% boost in energy-efficiency by using tankless water heaters while homes that use more than 41 gallons see an 8% to 14% efficiency increase.

3. New Toilets

Even if you’ve never needed plumbing repairs for home toilets, switching to modern fixtures is worth considering. Depending on the age of the current models, they might use six gallons of water per flush. According to federal mandates, new toilets use 1.6 gallons per flush, and 1.28 for fixtures with the WaterSense label.


For plumbing repairs and installations, contact the plumbing contractors at Inner City Trades in Somerset, KY. Serving homeowners throughout South-Central Kentucky for 20 years, the technicians boast over 46 years of experience. This makes them capable of recommending solutions to boost the efficiency of your home and cut down on your cost. To request plumbing repairs or talk about upgrade options, call (606) 678-9663. In addition to plumbing work, the team will also care for your cooling and heating system. Learn more about their services online and find plumbing tips on Facebook
