
Air filters clean the air circulating in your HVAC system. They trap dust, dirt, hair, animal fur, mold spores, microorganisms, and other contaminants that compromise your indoor air quality. The information below details why and how often you need to get new filters. If you need assistance replacing your filter or finding the right type, ask a trusted HVAC contractor.  

Why Change Your HVAC Filters?

HVAC contractorDirt and contaminants can clog your air filters and cause your unit to malfunction. Dirty filters force the HVAC system, especially the fans, to work harder, increasing your energy consumption and your electric bill. Moreover, when they can no longer trap air pollutants effectively, these contaminants are released back to your home.

How Often Should You Get New HVAC Filters?

An air filter's life span varies depending on the type of material you use, the size of your home, and how frequently you use your HVAC systems.

Fiberglass filters are the cheapest among materials, but they also have the lowest straining capability. They work better for protecting your air conditioning unit than purifying indoor air. These typically need to be replaced every month.

Pleated filters, while pricier, are more effective at screening air pollutants. They can last up to six months, but HVAC contractors recommend replacing these every 90 days, especially if you are a pet owner or have respiratory issues, like allergies.

To optimize your furnaces, air conditioners, and heat pumps, always ensure that your air filters are clean. When you need a reliable HVAC contractor, depend on the experts at Critical Air. This locally owned and operated HVAC contractor has been providing first-rate heating and air conditioning repairs to residential clients across Sugar Land, TX. They also install energy-efficient air conditioning units and offer the most up-to-date air cleaners, surge protectors, and thermostats. To schedule an appointment, send them a message on their website or call them at (281) 468-4250.
