
Pigmentation determines the color of your skin, but disorders can result in discolored patches and uneven coloring. This can be a source of cosmetic discomfort for many people, and pigmentation removal has become a popular solution. Below, you’ll find everything you need to know about this skin care procedure.

What Is Skin Pigmentation?

Pigmentation is the color of your skin. It comes from melanin, which the body naturally produces, and can be either eumelanin or pheomelanin. The first contributes to darker skin, and the second leads to freckles on light skin. Each is controlled by genetics.

pigmentation removalWhen melanin-producing cells are damaged or unhealthy, you may develop issues like hyperpigmentation, in which dark patches of skin appear. Vitiligo, a condition where light patches of skin develop, is also possible.

How Does Laser Pigmentation Removal Work?

This procedure reduces freckles and hyperpigmentation. A skin care professional will use a laser on the affected areas. The skin will absorb the light, and as it heats up, the pigments will be drawn to the surface. The discoloration will then gradually fade or peel away, resulting in an even tone.

This procedure doesn’t damage the skin and provides visible results in one to three sessions. Laser pigmentation removal is also effective for eliminating sun spots, age spots, and flat birthmarks.

How Do You Prepare?

Stay away from tanning beds and tanning products for at least four weeks before the procedure. If you’ve recently received BOTOX®, dermal fillers, or other laser treatments, let the skin care technician know so they can determine if pigmentation removal is safe.

Prior to the treatment, you should bathe or shower to clean your skin. Avoid lotions, creams, and oils, which leave behind residue. Shave extensive hair growth around the area.

After your appointment, use sunscreen daily to prevent further hyperpigmentation. 


If you’re ready to explore pigmentation removal, contact Bare Monkey Laser Spa – Penn Station. Serving New York City, these professionals offer several cosmetic services to improve your confidence and quality of life, including body contouring, tattoo removal, and laser hair removal. Visit their website to learn more about pigment removal or call (212) 256-9777 to schedule a consultation. 
