
Losing a tooth, whether due to injury, decay, or oral surgery, not only affects your smile and ability to chew properly but also your overall health. If you’re missing teeth or facing the prospect of losing one, learn about the health consequences so you can select the right treatment. 

Missing Teeth & Your Oral Health

An absent permanent tooth will eventually change your gums and jaw. The surrounding gums will begin to recede, creating pockets of space where bacteria can grow, leading to gum disease that can affect the adjacent teeth.

Additionally, a missing tooth can lead to bone loss. When the part of your jaw that once anchored the tooth no longer receives constant pressure, it will diminish. The bone deterioration will change how your face looks and increase the likelihood of losing more teeth, as the jaw will be too weak to hold them in place. 

Missing Teeth & Overall Health

The bacteria that leads to tooth decay and gum disease can also contribute to cardiovascular disease, including endocarditis, an infection of the lining around your heart.

Gum disease is especially detrimental to pregnant women, as it potentially increases labor-inducing chemicals in the body, causing premature labor

Addressing Missing Teeth

oral surgeryWhen you lose teeth, your dentist or oral surgeon will discuss replacement options with you. Not only will replacement teeth help restore your appearance and ability to chew, but they can also help prevent some of these serious health concerns.

The most common replacement options include dentures, dental implants, and bridges. Which one is right for you depends on your individual circumstances, including the number of teeth lost, the amount of decay experienced, and the strength of your gums and jawbone.


Whether you already have missing teeth or need to have teeth removed, Oral Surgery Associates of Alaska is your go-to resource. This board-certified Anchorage practice provides a wide range of oral surgery services in a comfortable, welcoming environment. Call (907) 561-1430 to schedule a consultation, or learn more about their services online.
