
Losing a loved one is never easy. Each person has a unique way of mourning and remembering the deceased. The sorrow can feel insurmountable, but will lessen over time. There are various ways that you can make the process more manageable, from identifying the general stages to seeking grief counseling. Here’s what you should know. 

What Is the Grieving Process?

The first step of the grieving process is typically denial. It may be difficult to accept the loss of the loved one, especially soon after their passing. Anger often comes next. The anger may be directed at the deceased for leaving you, or it may be a more general feeling.

You may then enter the bargaining phase, at which point you may make promises to a higher power in exchange for bringing your loved one back, or wonder about hypothetical scenarios. You may feel depressed at times. The final stage is acceptance. In this phase, you’ll still have the memory of your loved one and may feel sad, but you’ll begin to move on. 

When you’re grieving, you seldom progress directly through each stage. Some stages will take longer than others, and they might come out of order. The entire process can take anywhere from weeks to years. No two processes are ever the same, so be patient with yourself as you work through it.

What Can I Do to Help Process Grief?

Grief CounselingEven as you’re learning to be patient with yourself, there are little steps you can take to create a healthy emotional environment for your grieving process. You may feel tempted to withdraw socially, but resist this impulse. Nothing eases the pain of sorrow like spending time with a close friend who knows how to offer consolation. You might also consider picking up a hobby that gives you joy or distraction. For many people, this can be a good time to think about their faith. As you establish what you believe, it may bring you peace.

When Should I See a Grief Counselor?

Seeing a grief counselor can help you address the painful emotions that this time brings. If you’re stuck in a downward cycle of self-blame, depression, or worthlessness, getting outside help is the best way to break the chain. These services can be appropriate for any stage of the process, especially if you feel more comfortable sharing your most private thoughts and feelings with a professional than with friends or family. 


If you’ve lost a loved one, visit Abriola Parkview Funeral Home in Trumbull, CT. Our caring staff provides comprehensive support. In addition to offering custom burial and cremation services that will honor your loved one, we can also refer you to a compassionate and helpful grief counselor. For more information, call us today at (203) 373-1013 or visit our website.
