
Healthy eating can seem like a chore if you aren’t already in the habit. However, proper nutrition is key to your overall health. By incorporating more wholesome foods into your diet, you can lower your risk of disease and enjoy a boost in vitality. The following are just some of the benefits of eating well.

How Can Eating Well Affect Your Overall Health?

1. Facilitate Weight Loss

Being overweight or obese can put you at a higher risk for conditions like heart disease, diabetes, low bone density, and even cancer. Eating a diet full of fruits, vegetables, protein, fiber, and healthy fats can promote nutrition and lower your daily caloric intake. You’ll also feel full longer, reducing the temptation to reach for sugary snacks throughout the day. If you are interested in losing weight, consult a nutritionist about doing so in a healthy way.

2. Improve Digestion

nutritionFoods that are high in saturated fat, simple carbs, and additives may cause gut inflammation and lead to a variety of digestive issues. You may also experience issues like acid reflux with this type of diet. Additionally, substances like artificial sweeteners may disrupt your gut bacteria and cause bloating. When you switch to a diet full of fiber, complex carbs, and foods that are free of additives, you will likely experience more digestive comfort and better gut health overall.

3. Control Chronic Disease Risk

Studies show that healthy nutrition can reduce your risk of issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, and certain types of cancer. Staying physically active as well can control this risk even more. Your organs can function more effectively when you eat well and exercise, and you can enjoy a boost in energy as a result. Overall, this will lead to a longer life with fewer diseases. 


If you are interested in learning more about nutrition and how it can affect your health, visit the team at Eastern Hills Chiropractic. These professionals help individuals in Cincinnati, OH, live their healthiest lives. Led by Dr. Matthew Haumesser, this team offers nutrition counseling to address a variety of health concerns. Patients can also enjoy chiropractic services and massage therapy. You can visit them online to view a full list of their services, or call (513) 528-2200 to make an appointment today.
