
Feeding your livestock quality food is essential to maintaining their health and proper weight during the winter months. With the help of a livestock feed distributor, you can keep a fresh supply of feed for all of your animals this season. If you're not sure which types of feed to use, consider these options.

What Should You Feed Your Animals?

1. Hay

Dried legumes and grasses are some of the simplest ways to give your cows, horses, and other livestock nutritious meals when they can't be turned out to pasture. Keeping this on hand also offers you an alternative feed to corn or other roughages that may not be available during the winter. Additionally, hay can double as feed for your rabbits or bedding for your mares and foals.

2. Concentrates

livestock feed distributorOats, barley, and milo are concentrates that can provide your livestock with rich diets of nutrients and protein. If your cows or horses lack digestible nutrients from grazing in the pasture, supplement their diets with concentrates in the morning and when you bring them in for the night. Ensuring they have enough fiber and protein in their diets will help keep them healthy during the colder months.

3. Silage

When stocking your silos, make sure you include a substantial amount of silage. This is made of the entire corn plant chopped and fermented, creating a high-quality feed that's perfect for dairy or beef cows. If you have a large herd, make sure you keep enough on hand to plump up your beef and keep your cows producing rich milk.

4. Cracked Corn

Cracked corn is perfect for chickens and any other birds that you keep on your farm. Ask your livestock feed distributor for quantity and storage guidance, and make sure you have enough on hand for the winter. This makes a great bedtime snack for your hens, keeping them warm and full until morning. Cracked corn can also result in dark and rich yellow egg yolks.


Stock up your silos and haylofts for the winter by calling Clinch Mountain Transport Inc. in Thorn Hill, TN. You won’t have to worry about getting your feed on time by working with these friendly and hardworking livestock feed distributors. Prepared to make short and long hauls, they operate some of the best hauling rigs around and pride themselves on their service. Call (865) 767-3610 to schedule your bulk delivery, or learn more about their offerings online.
