
Because networking is as much an art as it is a science, it’s inherently intimidating. As such, you likely want to connect with other professionals in your field, whether you have an upcoming leadership retreat or industry convention. Thankfully, the following tips can help you acquire a handful of promising contacts in the coming months during any networking opportunity.


Attend events that encourage networking. 

Seminars, conferences, and leadership retreats are just a few examples of events where people anticipate connecting with others in their field. Participants are open to talking to others about what they do and how they do it. If you own a private practice, try to attend at least one event every six months. 

Maintain relationships.

If you only reach out to former colleagues, classmates, or professors when you need something, they’ll be less inclined to help. If, on the other hand, you maintain contact, they’ll consider you a reliable acquaintance. The key is finding a balance between staying in touch and monopolizing their time. Thankfully, social media has made it easier than ever to let someone know you read an article they might find interesting or you value their feedback on a particular project without demanding more than a few minutes of their time. 


Overlook your own value. 

leadership retreatThe professionals in your circle are just as lucky to have you as a contact as you are to have them. Even if they're significantly higher on the career ladder, there are ways you can add value to their lives. Make sure all the relationships you foster are mutually beneficial in some way. Even a small gesture like sharing your contact’s latest publication can go a long way. 

Expect to build strong connections right away. 

Unless you met all your professional contacts at lengthy leadership retreats that aimed to foster strong connections from day one, don't expect to build close relationships right away. Networking is an ongoing—and somewhat demanding—a process that takes time. However, you’ll get out what you put in, which means if you’re truly willing to make an effort, others will be, too. 



If you’re trying to connect with others in the healthcare field, turn to Metro Collaborative™. A healthcare and wellness networking group, they’re based in the heart of Manhattan. In addition to hosting six intimate peer-to-peer dinners every year, they offer leadership retreats and business coaching services.  Our retreat center, supports those wanting to lead or attend international workshops.  To learn more about their lucrative networking opportunities, visit their website or call (609) 876-9163.
