
When your child receives a childhood cancer diagnosis, deciding when and how to tell your family can be challenging. It’s difficult to predict how the news will impact your loved ones, so you may have some reservations about revealing the diagnosis. If you’re facing this situation, here’s a guide that may help prepare you.

What to Consider

As you search for the right moment to share such difficult news, your primary concern should be your child. If they are old enough to understand the diagnosis, they can also tell you how they feel about telling other people, including family members.

childhood cancerIf they express anxiety about someone’s reaction, it’s best to wait until they’re ready. However, gently remind them that their loved ones will want to know as soon as possible so they can be there for them. In the meantime, help your child become more comfortable with the idea by talking about possible reactions and questions others might have.

Your feelings as a parent are also important when it comes to deciding the right time. You may want more details about the diagnosis and prognosis so you can help educate others, for example. Finally, you may want to prioritize who to tell and in what order, depending on how close you are.

The Best Time to Tell Your Family

The best time to tell your family is when both you and your child feel completely ready. If your child is too young to understand their diagnosis, it comes down to the feelings of both parents. 

If you feel particularly anxious, think about questions your family members may have about childhood cancer and research information that may help answer them. Your doctor will also help you answer these. Know that you don’t have to discuss anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. Simply let your loved ones know you’ll try to provide answers in due time.

Finally, remember that everyone will react in their own way. The only aspect you can control is the support you provide your little one and the rest of the family.


Your child and loved ones deserve caring support while facing the challenges of fighting childhood cancer. Leaps of Love, Inc. in Highland, IL, proudly assists families and survivors in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area. They hold events, workshops, and retreats designed to help loved ones connect, share, and heal. Visit them online to learn more about these activities or call (618) 410-7212 to join the community.
