
Whether you drive on city streets or rural roads, there’s a chance you could be pulled over for a suspected traffic violation. If you keep calm and follow the officer’s instructions, the situation can pass without an issue. Handling the encounter with the right attitude and keeping the following points in mind can help you make the best of an unfortunate circumstance.

What to Do If a Cop Pulls You Over for a Traffic Violation

1. Consider the Officer’s Viewpoint

Tensions may be running high for both parties in these situations. If your actions can help put an officer at ease, you stand a better chance of getting off with a warning instead of a ticket for a traffic violation or a ride to jail.

2. Pull Over Safely

When you realize the flashing lights and siren are directed at you, put your turn signal on, slow down, and find a safe place to pull over. Get close to the curb or onto the shoulder, turn your interior lights on, and turn your car engine off. Roll the window down to speak with the officer when they approach your car.

3. Don’t Make Sudden Movements

traffic-violationExpect to hand over your license and registration, but wait inside your vehicle until the officer gets to your window and asks for it. During a stop for a traffic violation, an officer seeing you moving around in your vehicle reaching for your purse or backpack may think you’re getting a weapon or hiding something. Avoid sudden movements that can put you at risk.

4. Be Polite & Cooperative

Use respectful language and follow the officer’s instructions. Being polite might not keep you from getting a traffic ticket, but it helps officers maintain a positive frame of mind and reduces the chance of them arresting you for resisting or obstructing.

5. Speak Cautiously

Being cooperative does not mean you have to admit to everything. During a brief traffic stop, officers are looking for evidence of a crime. Whatever you say can be used as evidence against you. Think of the consequences before admitting any wrongdoing outright.


If you get cited for a traffic violation, you should consult an experienced lawyer. Serving the Platteville, WI, area, the criminal law attorneys at Scott & Heenan have advised and represented accused drivers in Grant County since 1999. Visit them online to learn more about their practice and call (608) 348-9506 to schedule a consultation today.
