
Commonly found between the two front upper teeth, gaps can be an endearing quality of your smile. But this issue, formally known as diastema, can sometimes harm your oral health. Fortunately, this defect isn’t permanent. With help from a dentist, you can close the gaps and restore your smile. If you’re worried about the spacing of your teeth, here’s what you should know about the problem and how to treat it.

What Causes Gaps Between Teeth?

In many cases, diastema results from sizing and placement issues in the mouth. Sometimes due to genetics, an individual’s teeth will be too small for their jaw, giving them more room to space out. In other situations, excess tissue may have grown around the gums and front teeth, causing them to separate.

Gum disease can be another possible cause. Caused by a chronic infection, this common problem leads to inflammation and deterioration of the gum tissue and underlying bone, which can result in tooth loss and swelling. These structural changes can cause shifts that form gaps.    

dentistOther diastema cases can result from bad oral habits that people develop throughout life. For instance, sucking your thumb as a child may put pressure on your front teeth so that they shift forward and separate. Thrusting your tongue against your front teeth when you swallow can have a similar effect.

What Are the Risks of Gapped Teeth?

In most cases, having gapped teeth is harmless. But it’s still important to have a dentist assess them to see if other risks are present. If gaps are due to gum disease, leaving the problem untreated can cause further damage—such as bleeding of the gums, tooth loss, pain, and infection elsewhere in the body. When gaps continue to grow larger, the separating teeth may press up against surrounding teeth. Over time, this pattern can lead to a variety of orthodontic issues—such as crossed, crooked, and misaligned teeth.  

How Do Dentists Treat Gaps?

Children typically do not require treatment for diastema. When they lose their baby teeth, the incoming adult teeth could be big enough to prevent the gap from reforming.

People with gaps in adult teeth, however, can use orthodontic treatment to correct the problem. Solutions such as Invisalign® or braces are designed to gradually shift teeth into an ideal position. In addition to improving appearance, this treatment can improve bite and other alignment-related issues.

If the gap is small and is not growing, veneers can also be used to cosmetically cover the space.


If you’re worried about the appearance of gaps in your smile, Family First Dentistry offers comprehensive assistance to close the separation. Serving patients of all ages in Anchorage, AK, this clinic can provide Invisalign or braces to restore the proper alignment and spacing of teeth. If necessary, gum disease treatment or veneers can also be provided to help with the issue. To learn more about these solutions, visit this dentist online. For appointments, call (907) 562-2820.
