
When guests pull up to your property, your driveway makes the first impression. As a result, the asphalt surface can make or break your home's curb appeal, either welcoming people in or turning them away. To prevent cracks, potholes, and other unsightly damage, follow these simple pavement maintenance tips.

How to Maintain Your Asphalt Driveway

1. Avoid Water Pooling

After rain or snow hits your property, you might notice water pooling on your asphalt driveway. If left unaddressed, this moisture will eventually seep through the surface, penetrating the base layers. As the freeze-thaw cycle ensues, the foundation of your asphalt will erode, leading to cracks and potholes. To prevent this, leave two to three inches of grass or gravel around the edge of your driveway for liquid to drain. Also, check on your drainage system, ensuring the end of your downspouts direct water into the soil.

2. Seal the Surface

pavement maintenanceWhile it helps to clear excess water from your driveway, you won't be able to prevent all moisture from coming into contact with the surface. However, you can limit absorption by applying a protective seal. Hire a paving contractor to seal your asphalt, covering the pavement with a durable coating that'll keep moisture, oil, and other substances from penetrating the surface.

3. Clear the Edges

Although you likely use your driveway to park vehicles, it pays to think about where you're parking them. The edges of the asphalt are much less durable than the center, and they may break or chip under the weight of a heavy truck or SUV. Therefore, keep all cars, vans, and roll-off dumpsters at least a foot away from the edge of your driveway.


If you’re looking for professional help with your pavement maintenance needs, turn to Professional Asphalt Services, Inc. of Long Lake, MN. They’re proud to serve both residential and commercial clients throughout the Twin Cities area, including Minneapolis and St. Paul. With more than 25 years of experience, you can trust this licensed, bonded, and insured company to complete work that’ll last. Schedule an appointment by calling (612) 636-8888, or visit their website to learn more about their services.
