
Fogginess on glass windows is the direct result of condensation. In addition to being a nuisance, foggy windows can lead to frame damage. If you notice this issue, it’s time to take action. Here are three effective ways to prevent the problem. 

How to Keep Your Windows From Fogging Up

1. Install Window Film

Apply a window film to keep moisture from making contact with the glass. The plastic creates a tight-fitting barrier to keep the warm air away from the window. As an added bonus, window film acts as a layer of insulation, helping to keep the warm air in place and the cold air out, ultimately saving on energy costs. You can purchase window film at your local hardware store and apply it yourself. Leave it up as long as you like to prevent condensation on your window glass.  

2. Control Indoor Moisture

Glass WindowsTurn down the humidifier to keep excess moisture out of the air; if that doesn’t help, turn it off. Window condensation is the result of warm, moist air making contact with cold surfaces. Use a dehumidifier instead to eliminate excess moisture in the air before it can reach the windows. Preventing and eliminating the moisture in the air is one of the best ways to keep fog off your windows. 

3. Create Circulation in the Home

Turn on fans in your home to disrupt the flow of warm indoor air that clings to your windows. Turn on the bathroom and kitchen fans every time you cook or shower. Set your ceiling fans to rotate clockwise. This pushes warm air that has risen back down to the floor. 


If you’re having persistent problems with foggy windows, turn to ValleyView Glass & Screen, “The foggy window specialists” in Northfield, MN. This family-owned company has been helping homeowners and businesses with their glass problems for over 30 years. Call them today for a free estimate at (612) 747-8425 or visit them online to learn more about their services. 
