
Fall foliage is beautiful and signifies the changing of the season. However, many people don’t know why leaves change color, or how the simple biological phenomenon of trees shedding their leaves helps to protect the plant in the long run. Below is some information about why leaves change color in the fall, and how falling leaves could also be a sign that you need a tree service

How Can Leaves Change Color? 

Leaves create their own food by producing chlorophyll, which helps the plant to turn light energy into physical energy used for growth. Since chlorophyll is green, it gives the leaves their bright green color. However, leaves also contain other pigmented colors, including carotenes and xanthophyll, which give leaves their yellow and orange pigment.

While leaves contain these pigments all year long, the excess chlorophyll during summer covers the other pigments. During the fall, when the days are shorter, less chlorophyll is generated. This allows the yellow, red, and orange tones to show through. Eventually, less chlorophyll is generated, and the tree creates a special layer of cells at the base where the leaf attaches to the branch. This allows the leaves to fall without harming the tree. 

What Are Other Reasons Why Leaves Fall? 

tree service Unfortunately, leaves can also die along with the actual tree branches if the tree starts to develop health problems. Inadequate watering, lack of sunlight, wood rot, and improper tree trimming can also hamper a tree’s ability to maintain healthy leaves.

If your tree seems like it is in poor condition, have a tree service professional come out and take a look at your tree. If the branches have started to die, the professionals might be able to prune the branches in order to maintain the health of the rest of the tree. Other issues that could kill leaves, such as extreme pest infestations and trunk disease, may also require complete tree removal from a tree service company. 


If you have questions about the health of your trees, don’t hesitate to reach out to Big Rivers Tree Service in Eau Claire, WI. In addition to handling tree trimming and removal, these professionals can also help with stump grinding and tree shaping. To find out how they can help to improve your yard, visit their website, or give the team a call at (715) 829-4011. 
