
If you want to improve the water quality in your home, consider having a plumber install a reverse osmosis water filtration system. In addition to delivering fresh-tasting water, this technology can save you money and protect your family’s well-being. Here’s why this system might be a smart addition to your home.

How It Works

The reverse osmosis water filtration system includes a pump designed to increase the pressure of your water flow along with a semi-permeable membrane that catches impurities, such as lead, fluoride, and chlorine. The pump pushes water through the membrane before delivering filtered H2O directly to your tap. Any contaminants that are caught by the membrane go down the drain.

Benefits of Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration

The process removes any contaminants that may impact the taste or smell of your water, along with impurities that could be harmful to your health. Lead, for example, can result in behavioral problems and anemia in children. Meanwhile, pesticides in drinking water can lead to cancer or organ damage.

Additionally, you can save money by receiving clean water right to your tap rather than purchasing bottles or cases. These systems are also simple to operate and don’t include many complicated parts, so repairs and maintenance from your plumber should be fairly affordable.

If you’re like Paul Bunyan and his trusted blue ox Babe, you go through a lot of water throughout the day. To save your wallet (and the environment) the trouble of wasting water bottles, have Paul Bunyan Plumbing install a reverse osmosis water filtration system in your home. As the trusted name in plumbing in the Twin Cities, MN, their team is equipped with the right tools and expertise to complete any plumbing job. Call (612) 977-3053 or contact the plumbers online to schedule service.
