

Hard water carries a lot of dissolved minerals, which is why it often leaves deposits on surfaces. Installing a water softener is the best way to remove these minerals for cleaner and less destructive water. Here are just a few of the benefits you’ll receive when you have your plumber help you switch to soft water.

Why Choose a Water Softener

1. Lower Energy Bill

Minerals in your water make many of your appliances less efficient, including your dishwasher, clothes washer, and water heater. By softening the water, you reduce the mineral deposits the appliances have to work against, thus reducing their energy usage and your utility bills.

2. Faster Water Heating

 Since your water heater will be working more efficiently, it will take considerably less time to heat up your tank. This is especially useful in homes with large families, where many people use hot water.

3. Longer Pipe & Appliance Life

Pipes and appliances will need less attention from a plumber and last longer when you don’t have mineral scale building up inside your plumbing. You’ll even have less frequent clogs that require drain cleaning, as your pipes won’t be narrowed by buildup.

4. Use Less Soap

When washing with hard water, the minerals interfere with your soap and weaken its cleaning power, meaning you have to use more of it to get the dirt out. With softer water, you’ll save on soap, and your clothes, dishes, and body will be that much easier to clean.

5. Keep Surfaces Brighter

Not only does hard water interfere with soap, but it also tends to leave behind scum and residue even after you rinse, causing clothes, hair, and dishes to become dull and dingy over time. Clean, soft water rinses surfaces more thoroughly, so you won’t experience this type of buildup.


Hard water doesn’t have to be an issue as long as you rely on the pros at Paul Bunyan Plumbing. Their team of expert plumbers in Twin Cities, MN, will help you install a water softener to leave surfaces cleaner and appliances more efficient. For more information about their wide variety of plumbing services and to schedule an appointment, call (612) 977-3053 or visit their website today.
