
When your pet needs surgery, whether it’s for a routine spay or neuter procedure or the removal of a tumor, you’re probably concerned about keeping them comfortable and pain-free. Veterinary surgery has made major strides in recent years, and a growing number of vets are turning to laser surgery to perform a wide range of procedures. Learn more about this process below.

What to Know About Pet Laser Surgery

What is laser surgery?

Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The veterinary surgeon uses this concentrated light to make incisions. The energy created by the laser absorbs water in the bodily tissues, effectively vaporizing it, allowing for more precise, less painful incisions. The laser also seals off blood vessels, so your pet will experience less bleeding and have a lower risk of post-surgical complications.

What are the benefits of using a laser?

laser surgeryIn addition to more precise surgical incisions and less bleeding, using lasers to perform surgical procedures reduces the risk of infection, especially when the surgery is in the perianal region. The light emitted by the laser kills the bacteria in the surgical area, allowing it to remain sterile.

Laser surgery may also help reduce pain after surgery. The laser seals off nerve endings in the area of the incision, so your pet experiences less pain and swelling during recovery. Lasers also allow the doctor to work more efficiently, reducing the amount of time your pet is under anesthesia.

What types of surgeries can be performed with lasers? 

Some of the most common laser surgery procedures include pet sterilizations, eye and eyelid surgeries, and tumor removal. Veterinarians may also use lasers to treat skin problems and to treat wounds, including preparing for grafts. Lasers are also common in ligament repairs, amputations, and any surgery involving the animal’s reproductive system or anal region. 

Are there any risks or side effects? 

Most veterinarians prefer performing laser surgery because it reduces the risk of common surgical complications, and the recovery time is much shorter. Many procedures are even bloodless when done with lasers, and the patients are able to get up and walk and eat normally within a few hours of their surgeries. Although this type of surgery isn't appropriate for every case, and it can cost a bit more than traditional surgery, the reduced risk of infection, faster recovery, and reduced pain make it an attractive option.


If your pet needs treatment for a skin condition, turn to Veterinary Dermatology Services. These skilled pet dermatologists offer comprehensive animal skin care services for pets in Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Southern Indiana. These knowledgeable experts treat animal skin conditions and allergies with a variety of safe and effective treatment options. Visit their website to learn more about the practice, and call (513) 489-4644 to schedule an appointment.
