
If you have a cat, they need somewhere to scratch. This is a natural behavior that stretches and strengthens muscles, sharpens claws, and satisfies their instinct to mark their territory. To provide these health benefits for the cat while also protecting your furniture and carpet, follow the below steps.

How Can I Protect My Carpet If I Have a Cat?

1. Cover the Carpet

An area rug protects the carpet underneath. Even if the rug itself gets scratched, it's less expensive to replace than getting new carpeting throughout the whole room. Put these rugs where you have seen your cat scratching. You can do something similar with a removable cover for furniture.

2. Provide a Designated Scratching Object

CarpetRather than try to stop this instinctive behavior, which can be difficult, try to redirect it. A scratching post or pad provides a place for your cat to get that perfect stretch and groom their claws. You might have to try different styles and textures to find one your cat likes. Try sprinkling the object with catnip to increase the chance that your cat will take to the new arrangement.

3. Spray Pheromones

Like many animals, cats produce certain chemicals called pheromones to communicate, and they respond in various ways to different pheromone signals. The right pheromone spray can warn your cat away from the floor and furniture, making it an unpleasant place for them to scratch. Ask for this product at a local pet store.


If your carpet is already badly damaged from your pets, Carpet Land in Lincoln, NE, will help you replace it. Based in Lancaster County, they have a wide range of carpet selections, or they'll help you change to more pet-proof materials like hardwood flooring. Visit their website to see their products, or call (402) 467-6363 for a free estimate and guaranteed 48-hour installation.
