
The septic grinder pump is a vital part of your home’s waste management system. It crushes organic waste into a slurry before sending it to a holding tank to decompose. Including it in regular septic maintenance will keep it in optimal working condition. Here are some best practices that will help prevent issues.

3 Septic Grinder Pump Maintenance Tips

1. Understand Potential Problems

Many wastewater treatment systems experience clogs and leaks that require attention, and the best way to repair these issues is to address them when they’re minor problems. Bad smells, leaking sewage, or backed-up greywater are all indications that it’s time to call a septic maintenance professional to perform repairs.

2. Only Flush Organic Items

septic maintenanceIt’s critical to control what items go down the drains in your home. Only flush organic matter like bathroom waste and toilet paper, as these materials will break up in the grinder pump and further dissolve in the tank with no problems.

Place items like feminine hygiene products, baby wipes, and diapers in the trash since they may damage the pump, clog the plumbing, and cause buildup in the tank. Additionally, keep substances like grease, fat, and oil out of the kitchen drains. They may go down as liquids, but they’ll solidify and create blockages over time.

3. Get Professional Help

Homeowners should have the septic tank pumped every two or three years, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendation. This guideline is based on the number of people in the home and the number of appliances that use water.

Additionally, homeowners should schedule other regular septic maintenance like annual inspections and tank cleanings to ensure everything is working properly. During assessments, the technician will look at everything from the drainage to the grinder pump to watch for leaks and clogs. They’ll also test the bacteria in the tank to establish whether the container is a healthy environment in which waste can be broken down properly.


Homeowners looking for septic maintenance should contact Septic Pumping Service in Union County, NC, to set up a schedule. From septic tank pumping to drain field work, the family-owned and -operated company has offered regular care and emergency repairs since the 1990s. Call the Indian Trail company at (704) 226-6904 or visit the website for information on their licensed team of specialists.
