
Opening the fridge for a quick snack and catching the whiff of a foul aroma can be unappetizing. Lingering smells can also seep into food. If the inner compartment is clean, a refrigerator repair specialist can get to the bottom of the issue. Paired with their help, below are additional ways to eliminate pungent odors and keep them from returning. 

3 Simple Solutions to Curb Refrigerator Odors

1. Keep a Box of Baking Soda in the Fridge

Baking soda is a product you should always keep in the house. When paired with water and/or vinegar, it can be used to remove stains from silverware as well as wooden and tile surfaces. Foul smells are caused by the volatile fatty acids released when food spoils. As bases neutralize acids, put an open box of baking soda in the back of the fridge. The base properties in the powder will absorb the bad aromas. 

2. Fix Cooling Problems

Elyria-Ohio-refrigerator-repairYou should always feel a blast of cold air when you open the fridge. Cooling issues could be linked to odor buildup. If warm or room temperature air circulates through the unit, perishables will spoil faster, creating a noticeable stench. A refrigerator repair specialist can clear clogged coils, check the wiring and coolant levels, replace a faulty condenser fan, and provide additional solutions to combat poor cooling.

3. Put Food in Containers

All food stored in the fridge should be placed in airtight containers first. Odors from cheese, sauces, and other food can mingle, filling the entire fridge with an intense smell. In washable marker, write the expiration dates from the original packaging on the container lids. This way, you’ll know when to throw out food before it expires.


For effective refrigerator repairs to prevent odor problems and boost the efficiency and extend the life of your investment, contact Expert Appliance Solutions. With 30 years of appliance repair experience, the Elyria, OH-based technicians can diagnose and correct washer, dryer, oven, and refrigeration equipment malfunctions. To schedule refrigerator repairs or additional appliance services in Lorain County, call (844) 423-9737. Find a list of brands the technicians fix online and tips to keep odors out of other appliances on Facebook
