
It’s a big day when your first child starts preschool. It will take time for you and your child to fully transition to this new stage. Here are some tips to ease your little one into their first prekindergarten experience.

How to Give Your Toddler a Smooth Transition Into Prekindergarten

1. Talk About It Ahead of Time

prekindergartenToddlers need time to get used to a new routine. Talk to them about prekindergarten at least a few weeks before it starts. Find books that deal with the subject of going to preschool for the first time, and use that to prompt discussions of their feelings about school. Even if you’re nervous, try to project a feeling of fun and excitement about the change to support your child’s confidence.

2. Visit the School

Arrange a tour with your child and if possible, meet their teacher. Go to the classroom with them, let them explore the space, the toys, and play areas. Talk to the teacher about the routines and curriculum of the coming school year, and find ways to integrate some of those routines at home. Incorporate new bed times and morning routines well in advance of the change, and try to have lunch at the same time as the school. This way, your child will be acclimated to the basics of the new routine.

3. Say a Proper Goodbye

A few tears or clinginess is normal on the first day of school, but make sure to say a proper goodbye. This could lead to your child feeling fearful, confused, or abandoned. The best approach is to give the child a normal hug and kiss, let them know you’ll pick them up later, and leave promptly. For the first few days, be on time for pick-up to avoid stress for your child.

4. Praise

As your child transitions into prekindergarten, praise them for a job well done. Even if they’ve struggled, find small wins to make them feel confident and pleased with themselves. Ask questions about their day and be willing to talk about fears or feelings that come up. Being positive about this new routine can help them feel more comfortable about the change.


Are you looking for a hands-on, fun prekindergarten program for your little one? Northern Lights Preschool & Child Care in Anchorage, AK, offers certified pre-K teachers and a variety of programs to accommodate your family’s schedule and your child’s learning style. The school welcomes toddlers from 15 months to older children needing before or after school care. Call (907) 274-2040 to learn more about enrolling or visit their website to see program descriptions.
